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Professional refrigerated upright cabinet

The professional refrigerators for professional kitchens, otherwise know as refrigerated cabinets, are upright cabinets equipped with one or more doors.

Depending on the cooling system used, they could be equipped with different refrigeration types: static cooling, ventilated cooling or roll-bond cooling.

Armadio refrigerato professionale INOX

What kind of ventilation of the cabinet should be choose?

Do you know what type of refrigeration to choose according to the food you will keep in your professional refrigerated cabinet?

Static cooling and ventilated cooling are the most common. The first occurs through the gradual exchange of heat that is generated between the inner walls of the equipment and the products that are inside it. The second, on the other hand, is characterized by greater refrigeration power, as the cold is more evenly distributed within the equipment. As for roll-bond refrigeration, which provides a middle way between static and ventilated refrigeration, the cold is produced by a plate with refrigerant gas positioned in the back wall of the compartment.

QR 6


GN2/1 Refrigerated upright cabinet in CLASS B

CR 6


GN2/1 Refrigerated upright cabinet in CLASS A

Refrigerated cabinet chiller and freezer

Another variable of refrigerator cabinets is the temperature, which can be positive or negative, but it is also possible to have a combined temperature, depending on whether the function is to store or to freeze.

The chiller upright cabinet preserves food, while the freezer upright cabinet is projected to preserves at freezing temperature, depending on the needs of products. The choice of temperature will depend on the needs and on the food stored inside the refrigerator cabinet.


  • Keep in mind, vegetables, meat and fruits should be stored at a range temperature between -2 °C e +8 °C (this temperature range inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms).
  • The standard freezing temperature is -18 °C.
  • The most part of cabinet is designed to work between -22 °C e i -18 °C.
Armadio refrigerato professionale INOX caratteristiche

Consumption and energy efficiency class of professional refrigerators

Energy efficiency class

Choosing a professional energy-efficient cabinet is essential to reduce the cost of electricity bills and contribute to environmental protection.

Since 2021, professional appliances have been identified by a label that shows their energy efficiency, according to a classification ranging from A to G, where G represents the least efficient energy class and A the one with the best energy efficiency.

How much a refrigerated cabinet consumes

The level of consumption will depend on multiple factors, including the cabinet energy efficiency class, the insulation foam layer, the use of a digital thermostat, or whether the product is equipped or not of “eco-friendly” refrigerant gas.

For this reason is important to choose an upright cabinet equipped with sustainable technologies which allow to reduce the consumptions and optimized the energy saving of the equipment.

Which refrigereted cabinet to prefer between ABS or stainless steel?

ABS or stainless steel? There isn’t a better option, both material offer benefits and advantages that can suit the needs of a specific activity.

Both materials are durable and support the same levels of cold and heat. However, if you are looking for equipment that also stands out from an aesthetic point of view, a refrigerated stainless steel cabinet has a very refined, elegant and clean look, while an ABS refrigerated cabinet is available in a wide range of colours.

For everyday use equipment, stainless steel offers greater heat resistance, is able to withstand high temperatures, resists thermal transmission and keeps the interior of the fridge cooler for longer. On the other hand, if you are looking for lightweight and versatile upright cabinets ABS is the best option.

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