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CNX 90V - GN1/1 Freezer ventilated saladette (STAINLESS STEEL TOP)

Clean and essential appearance, this model with stainless steel top, it’s perfect to save space and offer a freezer workstation in any professional kitchen. The CNX 90V is a perfect example of adaptability with two doors, an adjustable shelf GN1/1 for each door, ventilated cooling system, a digital thermostat, an engine room at the bottom, an easily removable condenser filter for smooth maintenance and cleaning and a sliding engine which is easy to pull out for manageable after-sales servicing.

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General features

GN1/1 Freezer ventilated saladette (STAINLESS STEEL TOP)
Stainless Steel exterior and interior
Ventilated Cooling
Evaporator with anti-corrosion treatment
Hot gas defrost system
Foaming Agent Cyclopentane (50mm per side)
Digital Thermostat
Sliding engine room for a manageble after sales servicing
Plastic thermal-braker as chamber body frame
Easy removable condenser filter
Separated plastic water tray
Front panel tilted holes for better air circulation
Adjustable shelves GN1/1: 2 Pcs
Self closing door (New inner embossed design for a better sealing)
Removable Gasket
Engine room lock fitted as standard
N.2 Adjustable feet in the front + N.4 fix rollers
Energy efficiency class: D


Technical specifications

Additional information

Dimensions 61074961 × 610743960 cm
Commercial capacity

225 L

Energy consumption

4.916 Kw / 24h

External depth

700 mm

External height

880 mm

External width

900 mm

Internal depth

581 mm

Internal height

502 mm

Internal width

800 mm

Gross weight

95 Kg

Net weight

87 Kg

Noise level

54 dB(A)


237 W

Temperature range

-10° ~ -20°C

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