Empower Your Kitchen: Save costs with energy-efficiency equipment

In a professional setting with top-notch performance, a kitchen with energy-efficient appliances is crucial for optimizing resources and enhancing process efficiency.

When selecting refrigeration equipment, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

  • Temperature monitoring: Opt for units equipped with temperature monitoring systems to efficiently manage energy consumption and lower electricity expenses.
  • Time saving: Prioritize appliances that regulate temperature and operation automatically, allowing your staff to dedicate their time to more critical tasks.
  • Food preservation: Implement equipment such as blast chillers to extend the shelf life of food by keeping it in optimal conditions.
  • Natural refrigerants: Choose products that utilize natural refrigerants like R290 and R600a for a more environmentally friendly option.

What level of efficiency can we achieve in our professional kitchen? 

Before making any purchase, it’s crucial to assess the energy consumption of a product to make the most appropriate choice for a business.

That’s why we conducted an exercise to compare the energy usage of our equipment with similar units available in the market (with an energy cost of 0.40€ per kWh). This exercise lets us see the long-term advantages of designing a professional kitchen with energy-efficient refrigeration equipment.

In the case of stainless steel refrigerated cabinets, the most advanced models like the QR 6-5A allow you to save up to €415 compared to G-class models.

The same applies when choosing an efficient counter model, such as the QR 3100, which provides savings of up to €800 compared to G-class models. As well as a fresh door design, rounded edges at the top, and a digital display.

If we prefer options in ABS, the CRX2 and QRG 400 cabinets are elegant choices that also allow us to save up from €800 to €2,400 per year on the electricity bill.
If what we need is a beverage cabinet, the back bar BBC 138 with hinged doors also delivers high performance: saving up to €1800 annually on the electricity bill.

Investing in energy-efficient refrigeration equipment is a smart move for your professional kitchen. It not only enhances efficiency but also reduces costs and environmental impact. 

At Cool Head, we’re committed to providing you with top-notch solutions. If you’d like to know more about our energy-efficient models, download the catalogue here!

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